Early Reviews Are In!
Security Yearbook 2020 was launched at RSA Conference 2020 February 24. The reception was gratifyingly enthusiastic. Bob Gourley, former CTO of the Defense Intelligence Agency and co-founder of cybersecurity strategy firm OODA, had this to say:
"I can give my personal endorsement of this book to anyone in the cybersecurity business. It provides the history of this market in an easy to read and compelling way that can help us all better understand why things are the way they are."
Read his complete review here.
Hugh Taylor, writing for Journal of Cyber Policy had this to say:
Security Yearbook 2020...offers a well-written and extremely thorough look at the history of the cybersecurity industry. It’s also a fun, useful book.
And Byron Acohido, renowed cybersecurity journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, was kind enough to forshadow:
I can’t even imagine what Security Yearbook 2025 will tell us.
Here are a few pictures captured from the RSAC show floor.